Awarded best graphic designer in Chicago.
#1 brand designer in the Midwest.
Excellent brand specialist.
Very talented graphic designer.
He's a smart thinking idea-guy.
Thanks for stopping by my website. I appreciate your visit and hope that you’ve taken a tour through the highlights of my design work. I’ve been helping my clients develop visual solutions for their marketing needs for many years and honestly, I still love doing it. Certainly I can help you as well. Let's make it happen.
Early on I learned to use my imaginative mind's eye to explore and solve. I come from the rolling fields of the Midwest and am a proud alumnus of Wisconsin’s historic Beloit College. With a background in journalism, photography and theatre. I am in a constant state of observation and use my diverse experiences to create effective visual communication to make a connection. For me, making things work is about trusting my instincts, having good taste, a dash of confidence, a clear perspective, a thick skin, and a joyful sense of humor.
I work nicely alone, in small groups, or directing teams on location for large-scale photoshoots. I’ve worked with professionals, novices, celebrities, babies, animals, tools, schools, actors, models, flowers, food, and fashion. Most of those come with a good story and maybe some bad weather. My award-winning work has been featured internationally and has lived on urban buildings, museums, transit platforms, tour boats, marquees, banners, billboards, record albums, awards, uniforms, T-shirts, sippy cups, menus, mayonnaise, health food and gift cards. I'm always proud to see the final products, no matter where they are.
My experience has also allowed me to produce campaigns for print, television and radio, create web design, explore audio/video editing, and to design and direct for the stage. Because that’s how I roll.